
Hemat Afghan Agriculture and Livestock Organization(HAALO)

Hemat Afghan Agricultural and Livestock Organization (HAALO) is a humanitarian, non-governmental, non-political and no-profit Afghan national private organization. It has been established on 4th September 2012 by a grand meeting in Kandahar province of Afghanistan. This national NGO was formed according to the needs and willingness of the community people in a view to deal with socio-economic problems and joining hands with international institutions by means of good understanding in order to find out the best way of solving the problems. The organization is an outcome of the need for evolving a suitable community development response to the socially, politically, economically and above all, psychologically affected communities that live in war-torn Afghanistan. HAALO is established to work in the fields of Education, basic health care, gender, human rights, civil rights, capacity building, and sanitation, income generating activities and rehabilitation as well as emergency operations like food distribution targeting the most vulnerable Afghan people. In this regard, HAALO has implemented different projects for Afghan people. HAALO struggles to decrease the poverty and focus on the problems the Afghans suffering. HAALO considers Afghans education and health as other important objectives and concentrate on these sections and tries seriously to attract the donor’s attention to fund projects that serve Afghans education in different levels and also projects that improve the health and capacity building. One of the significant objectives of HAALO is to make Afghans especially women educated and aware of their rights because gender issues are in one of the top challenges in the Afghan society. HAALO supports and helps the Afghans through seeking financial resources and implementation passivity for the planned and income generation projects, therefore, HAALO tries to work out plans to improve the living standards of the Afghans through establishment of income

Daily News

Organization In A Glance

Overall Performance